Common Golf Injuries and How to Prevent Them

If you feel pain in any part of your body when you play golf, this article is for you.

There is always something that can bring relief and let you play your best golf game without suffering. A lot of gear, including specialized golf braces, is available to soothe pain while protecting your muscles and joints for fun, pain-free golf.

The most common golf injuries are: back pain; elbow tendinitis; rotator cuff or shoulder pain; knee pain and wrist injuries. They are generally caused by overuse of the muscles and repeated movements or occasionally by trauma.

Back Pain

Back pain occurs in the majority of people at least once in their life, but it is the most common golf injury. Golfers spend four to five hours in a bent position while applying pressure to the spine and back muscles. The repetitive movement of the golf swing during those hours puts considerable strain on the back. Wearing a back brace helps support the lower back to let you golf pain-free without worrying about repetitious golf swings.

Elbow Tendonitis

Tendonitis is the most common injury of the elbow. Commonly referred to as golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), it causes soreness and inflammation on the outer tendon or on the inner tendon of the elbow. This happens when routine activities require repetitive movements, such as hitting golf balls. This puts a stress on the tendon in question. Wearing an armband specifically designed to apply pressure on the muscle around the swollen and inflamed tendon can help heal the tendinitis and prevent it from recurring by being worn during every 18-hole game or at the driving range.

Rotator Cuff or Shoulder Pain

If you hit a rock or a root during your swing phase, the force of the impact can cause a rotator cuff injury and pain in the shoulder. Golfers can develop tendinitis, bursitis and shoulder separation from the repetitive movements. Improving the swing technique can help and wearing a shoulder and clavicle support is highly recommended to ease the pressure on the shoulders and prevent rotator cuff tears.

Knee Pain

Strain on a weak knee to stabilize the hip rotation at the beginning of the swing can cause severe knee pain. Extreme force applied on the knee can cause torn or sprained ligaments and kneecap injuries. A proper knee sleeve or knee support should be worn at all times on a weak knee to help prevent tears and sprains.

Wrist injuries

Golfers’ most common wrist injury is tendinitis, from the repetitive movement of the wrist during the swing and the force applied to the tendons responsible for wrist movements. A wrist support brace, when worn during golfing, will nearly eliminate the risks of tendinitis.

Golf Injury Prevention

Injury prevention is not to be taken lightly. As soon as you feel the slightest pain during or after a game of golf, make sure you support the sore area with appropriate brace and utilize cold therapy to prevent serious injury and promote pain free golf. Shop All Golf Supports ►