The term "runner's knee", also known as chondromalacia or patellofemoral pain syndrome, is not really a disease on its own. It is a loose term used to describe pain around the inside of the knee, usually caused by irritation to the cartilage under the kneecap. As its name suggests, runner's knee is a common ailment among runners. However, it can also affect anyone that participates in activities or sports that involve consistent bending of the knee.

Visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis if you suspect you have runner's knee. Some common symptoms of runner's knee are:

  • Pain behind or around the kneecap, especially where the thighbone and the kneecap meet.
  • Pain when you bend the knee -- when walking, squatting, kneeling, running, or even sitting.
  • Pain that's worse when walking downstairs or downhill.
  • Swelling.
  • Popping or grinding sensations in the knee.

* Source: WebMD Runner's Knee Symptoms

Wearing a runner's knee brace can help prevent patellofemoral pain. The brace helps hold the knee in alignment and may help prevent wear and tear on your knee cartilage. Running on softer surfaces and strengthening the thigh muscles can also help you avoid runner's knee.