Holly B. is an active professional in her late twenties who spends her free time playing recreational flag football and league basketball. She shares her experience with us as she explores the world of sports.

My father-in-law recently fell and broke his kneecap. Luckily, he won't need surgery as long as he minimizes stress and pressure on the knee... for up to 8 weeks. Since he already walks with a cane, it was pretty difficult for my mother-in-law to move him around. For several weeks, he was stuck in a wheelchair and in a cast from the ankle to groin. It was extremely uncomfortable for him.

Two weeks ago he finally had a bit of relief. The doctor took him out of the cast and moved him to a knee immobilizer. It protected his knee from injury and he was even allowed to take it off when sleeping. He was so thankful for the knee immobilizer and for being liberated from the cast.

This week my father-in-law transitioned to a knee immobilizer with adjustable flexion and extension. This controls how far he can bend his knee and will help with the healing process. I can't tell you how thankful my family has been for these knee immobilizers. Speak with your doctor about proper usage of knee immobilizers and check out BetterBraces.com's selection today!