Holly B. is an active professional in her late twenties who spends her free time playing recreational flag football and league basketball. She shares her experience with us as she explores the world of sports.

I was keeping time for an ultimate frisbee tournament this weekend and I was surprised at the poor quality ankle supports and make-shift taping people were using. Like any sport with lots of running and quick turns, ultimate frisbee players put a lot of strain on the ankles. A rolled ankle or slip in the mud can lead to ankle sprains and tenderness... which no athlete wants.

I found myself suggesting that these players check out some of the ankle braces available on BetterBraces.com. Here are some of the bestselling ankle braces:

DonJoy Velocity Ankle Brace - One of the best ankle braces on the market - provides maximum support and like-custom comfort.

Aircast Airsport Ankle Brace - Ideal for ankle protection during all types of physical activity.

Aircast A60 Ankle Brace (also available in white) - Protects your ankles at their weakest point to help prevent ankle rollovers and ankle sprains.

DonJoy Stabilizing Ankle Brace - A more consistent and effective alternative to ankle taping.

One of the most important things I suggest to people is to make sure you protect your joints during physical activity. I've personally witnessed so many unexpected injuries that might have been prevented with a bit of protection.

P.S. Always check with your doctor when treating injuries so they can determine the best solution for your situation.