Which Shoulder Brace is Right for Me?

By Fara Rosenzweig

Shoulder injuries can happen on impact while you’re playing sports, have an accidental fall, and even from overuse. A few of the most common shoulder injuries include strains or sprains, torn rotator cuff, dislocated shoulder or shoulder instability. If you feel pain in your shoulder, you should rest and immobilize your shoulder with a brace or sling. A shoulder brace will help give your shoulder extra support and minimize movement while seeking medical advice to begin your recovery.

shoulder stabilizer

Shoulder Stabilizer

Whether you need post-op stabilization or support during sport, a shoulder stabilizer protects the AC joint from further injury. These braces offer shoulder immobilization and controlled range of motion for dislocations, rotator cuff tears and separations and muscle strains. Can be worn during sports if your doctor clears you to participate.

shoulder stabilizer


Prevent further shoulder injury and keep the shoulder stable with a immobilizing sling. This is ideal for cast support, injuries to the arm, wrist or hand. The sling minimizes movement while the shoulder recovers.

posture support

Posture Support

Meant to wear while working, sitting, or doing low-impact activities, the posture support helps heal the clavicle bone and brings the shoulders back to improve posture. Easily worn over or under clothing, the soft cotton material doesn’t stretch and it can be adjusted for a secure, personalized fit, which delivers the utmost support. Ideal for those suffering from hunched shoulders and neck pain, or needs immobilization of the clavicle area following a strain or trauma.

Do You Have a Shoulder Injury?

If you have sustained a shoulder injury or have shoulder pain, visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor may recommend a shoulder brace to help support and immobilize your shoulder and arm while you are injured. If you are recovering from injury and are looking to be active in sports and activities, it is important to adequately support your shoulder as it will have a higher chance of re-injury. Shop by shoulder injuries to find the right fit for you: rotator cuff supports, shoulder arthritis, shoulder dislocation, shoulder instability, shoulder impingement, and AC joint separation.

Have Additional Questions?

Try our interactive tool, Brace Advisor, for help on selecting the right shoulder support for your needs or browse all shoulder braces.